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BMB against Covid-19

30/03/2020 – BMB against Covid-19

BMB returns to the forefront and resumes the main activities to support the packaging and medical industries and all its customers called today more than ever to make their contribution to the fight against Coronavirus.

The “Ateco” code with which BMB is classified, as a manufacturer of injection moulding machines, has always allowed its operation, as the Italian Government has considered the production of our machines and the technical support with spare parts and technical assistance, activities essential to support all manufacturers called to serve the large demand for food containers, medical components, in particular containers for hospital waste, and disposable items in general.

Brescia has been targeted by covid-19 since the initial stage of the epidemic expansion and BMB with great responsibility has deemed it necessary to immediately suspend all activities, guaranteeing only the spare parts service from the factory, while technical assistance, commercial and administrative operations through smartworking.

During the days of partial stoppage we have equipped in order to resume all activities safely and to be able to guarantee all our employees to operate serenely in a controlled and sanitized environment.

In order to provide a safe working environment for everyone, BMB has adopted extraordinary cleaning measures, arranging the sanitation of all operating sites, relying on a local specialist Company in the sector, which with radical and targeted intervention methods, favour’s the immediate access to the treated area ensuring 100% hygiene and bacteriological safety.
Fortunately BMB indoor large space allows us to be able to guarantee the necessary safety distance between people, while everyone’s common sense leads to communication through IT and telephones.

Each worker is provided with an individual daily protection kit and body temperature is taken every morning at the arrival.
Since Monday 30th March we have thus restarted all activities with about 30% of our human resources present in the factory. We are currently following the Italian Ministry of Health guidelines and thus constantly guaranteing safety to our staff, whom we wish to thank so much for their deep commitment and sense of responsibility demonstrated since.

The health of each member of BMB team always remains the priority.

The Loggia building 1492-1574 – Today seat of the Municipal Council of Brescia

The challenge of change is perhaps the most difficult, but the desire to do it, the desire to be there for all our customers of packaging, disposables, large machines that daily output moulded products essential to our daily lives, are stronger than virus.

We will learn to live with it if necessary, we will protect ourselves and sooner or later we will defeat it, contributing to this result with our machines, with the great dedication of the whole BMB team, which in this difficult moment has really shown compactness and spirit of aggregation, for the Company’s sake and for our Customers to who we wish a good luck.

With our best regards.